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NLI Business Plan Competition

NLI’s first Business Plan Competition (BPC) was successfully completed on the 31st of October, 2009.  The Business Plan Competition is an effective program to build entrepreneurship skills and kick start Small & Growing Business (SGB) development.

Objectives include:

(i)             To identify entrepreneurs with high potential business ideas;

(ii)            Provide selected entrepreneurs with training, mentoring and access to capital;

(iii)           Act as a channel for equity and loan funds to the resulting SGBs;

(iv)           Stimulate economic development through the creation of jobs and growth businesses.

Participants from the competition participated in a one-week training session facilitated by the Lagos Business School’s Enterprise Development Services (EDS).  Participants were awarded a Certificate on completion of the training program.

After the training program, participants re-evaluated their Business Plans and presented their Business Proposals to a panel of judges:

1) Mr. Gbenga Oyebode – Managing Partner, Aluko and Oyebode, Nigeria

2) Ms Funke Smith – Head of Consumer Banking,  First Bank Nigeria

3) Mr Ndubuisi Ihedigbo – Head of Agricultural  Finance and Special Products, First Bank Nigeria

4) Mr. Dotun Sulaiman – Chairman, Accenture Nigeria

The top three (3) winners were announced at NLI’s Annual Awards Dinner.  The winners were:

1st: Agugo Boniface (Briquette Nigeria)
Prize Money – $15,000

2nd: Ugbor Chidi (FREP FOODS)
Prize Money: $10,000

3rd: Ojo Opeolu Oyejide(Cecejyde Biogenerics)
Prize Money: $7,500 dollars